Sunday, July 15, 2012

Home Turf

Upon landing in Portland, I had a sudden feeling of nerves.  Why?  I couldn't pinpoint it, but it quickly subsided as I walked into PDX, my old home airport.  There was something settling about the green and blue criss-cross carpet and the REI gear everyone was wearing.  These are my people.  This is the place in America I fit the best.  I was reminded again and again of this while talking politics with friends or education with Grandpa or family drama with Mom.  If I were to pick somewhere in America to live, it would still be the Northwest.  My voice can get a twang from being in the South, I can listen to the ideas of an East Coast friend, and I can understand the small town view of my mid-west coworkers.  But I still feel the most like those from the Northwest.  I think I forget this sometimes as I'm exposed to more Americans from my ventures abroad.  But family and friends reminded me that I'm still an American girl no matter how far I go.  So thank you to all my family and friends for a wonderful trip to Oregon!  Next time, I'll drag Will along.

(Ok, most of these pictures are old, but they'll have to do because I forgot my camera in Budapest.)

Sweet Bekah

Newberg Friends

Kelsey Girls

 Grandma and Grandpa


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having a wonderful trip "home". So fun to see your cute mom--she looks just the same! I wish Utah were part of your tour...maybe next time. :)
